The ToastInfo class contains several fields and properties that give you access to manipulate just about anything related to your toast. You can call these getter/setter fields and properties on any instance of ToastInfo.

  • TitleTextRef: Type of TextMeshProUGUI that gives you access to the component containing your toast's title text.
  • MessageTextRef: Type of TextMeshProUGUI that gives you access to the component containing your toast's message text.
  • IconRef: Type of Image that gives you access to the component containing your toast's icon image.
  • BackgroundRef: Type of Image that gives you access to the component containing your toast's background image.

  • TitleTextColor: Type of nullable color that gives you access to the TitleTextRef color property.
  • MessageTextColor: Type of nullable color that gives you access to the MessageTextRef color property.
  • BackgroundColor: Type of nullable color that gives you access to the BackgroundRef color property.
  • Icon: Type of Sprite that gives you access to the IconRef sprite property.
  • IconColor: Type of nullable color that gives you access to the IconRef color property.
  • Title: Type of string that gives you access to the TitleTextRef text property.
  • Message: Type of string that gives you access to the MessageTextRef text property.

  • TapToDismiss: Type of boolean that gets/sets the ability to manually dismiss the toast.
  • Lifetime: Type of float that gets/sets the duration the toast will remain visible, once displayed.